
Table of Contents (Online Help)


Modify Labels

Loan Performer allows you to edit or modify existing and customized labels as you may wish. This is possible for all the languages that you are using.

Note that the chosen label in a particular language can be modified in that language as well as translated into any other language in the system.

How to modify labels

To modify labels, go to System->Configuration->Define Labels->Modify labels. A screen will appear as follows:

Note that there are two ways that you can search for a label in the system that you wish to modify, i.e., "Fuzzy.." and "Exact".

If you want to translate the labels into some other language, then the option Other should be chosen as display language. Originally the labels in Other are in English, you just have to overwrite them with your own language.

Click on the button Save to save the changes.

Note that if you press only the Update or only the Save, button the proposed changes will not take place. You have to click the Update and the Save buttond respectively to effect the changes.

Click on the Close button to exit.

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